Fruit of Solitude


It’s fascinating how you could easily be infatuated with someone.

How you’re no longer bothered whether he has met your standards but he easily slipped past your scrutinizing eyes and into your mind.

How easy it is for you to catch every little thing he does and find it interesting.

How you find him adorable whenever he talks about his interests.

How intelligent he may seem when you’re talking about the things that matters and how funny and goofy he can also become when you talk about the most nonsensical stuff.

How your heart can’t help but flutter whenever he does something worth swooning for.

And yet, it’s also heartbreaking how you can easily be infatuated with someone.

When you’re finally ready to not hold any feelings back,

when you’re finally ready to throw yourself into the void of the unknown just to get to know him more,

when you’re willing to do the things you’ve never tried before simply because you’re doing it with him,

and yet, nothing else comes out of it.

It’s heartbreaking to realize

how you can easily be affected when he no longer return your text messages.

How much fear you feel that your feelings may not be mutual.

Or worse,

how hopeful you felt when he made you think that you were walking down the same path only to leave you standing alone in the end

simply wondering,

What went wrong?

What made him suddenly disappear?

Was it something you did? Or something that you didn’t do?

Or maybe,

was it simply because it was YOU?



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